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Novel bifunctional catalysts for electrochemical oxygen reactions
Novel bifunctional catalysts for electrochemical oxygen reactions
For the practical application of next-generation rechargeable batteries like metal-air batteries, it is necessary to efficiently control the electrochemical reactions of oxygen. Dr. Shunsuke Yagi's research group at the University of Tokyo in cooperation with Dr. Ikuya Yamada's research group at the Osaka Prefecture University has synthesized bifunctional manganese oxide catalysts, which are highly active for both oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). This achievement enables us to design bifunctional catalysts for OER and ORR, promoting the development of future battery systems.
Journal Title : Advanced Materials
Article Title : Bifunctional oxygen reaction catalysis of quadruple manganese perovskites
Author(s) : Ikuya Yamada, Hroshi Fujii, Akihiko Takamatsu, Hidekazu Ikeno, Kouhei Wada, Hirofumi Tsukasaki, Shogo Kawaguchi, Shunsuke Yagi
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201603004
Abstract URL :