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Comparison of the dynamics of liquid-liquid transition between with and without rubbing treatment.
Comparison of the dynamics of liquid-liquid transition between with and without rubbing treatment.
Researchers at the Institute of Industrial Science University of Tokyo、Professor Hajime Tanaka and project researcher Dr. Ken-ichiro Murata (currently, Assistant Professor at Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University), have found that liquid-liquid transition between two liquid states with different local structures can be accelerated by a rubbing treatment, which is widely used to align liquid crystal molecules in a liquid-crystalline display.
UTokyo Research :
Journal Title : Scientific Advances
Article Title : Impact of surface roughness on liquid-liquid transition
Author(s) : Ken-ichiro Murata and Hajime Tanaka
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1602209
Abstract URL :
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