Highly efficient expansion of human iPS cells by using cell-fiber technology---Professor Shoji Takeuchi
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Highly efficient expansion of human iPS cells by using cell-fiber technology
Highly efficient expansion of human iPS cells by using cell-fiber technology
The research group of Prof. Shoji Takeuchi and graduate student Kazuhiro Ikeda at the University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science, succeeded in developing a cell fiber-based 3D culture system for highly efficient expansion of human iPS cells. Human iPS cell culture in core-shell microfibers with extra cellular matrix (ECM) allows restriction of the thickness of the aggregations, suppression of cell death in the cell aggregations and efficient cell expansion in the microfibers. This culture system could be used for large-scale expansion of human iPS cells for use in regenerative medicine.
Journal Title : Scientific Reports
Article Title : Cell fiber-based three-dimensional culture system for highly efficient expansion of human induced pluripotent stem cells
Author(s) : Kazuhiro Ikeda, Shogo Nagata, Teru Okitsu and Shoji Takeuchi
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-03246-2
Abstract URL : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-03246-2
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