IIS Research Group for Research on Engineering in Medicine and Biology (RG-EMB) was established in 1999 and continuingly provided opportunities to create new research for wide variety of engineering researchers connected extensively and flexibly around biology. Especially in recent years, biology related engineering research is remarkably advanced and maturing by the fusion of tissue engineering, stem cell technology, microfabrication technology, fluid engineering, chemistry, computer science, etc. In IIS, engineering researchers actively conduct various life science related research such as molecular design, organic synthesis, pharmacokinetics, diagnostic device, mathematical biology, etc.
Therefore, for the succession and development of the achievement by RG-EMB, the center aims to establish the environment easier to conduct interdisciplinary collaborative research inside and outside of IIS. In order to solve future social problems, we promote cross-departmental collaborative research projects, development of devices and systems for the improvement of preventive medicine for human health, safe and secure society and QOL, and so on.