2017.05.19 Press Release A new method for heat guidance and focusing in solid--- Associate Professor Masahiro Nomura
2017.05.17 Press Release Unfolding the folding mechanism of ladybug wings Origami-like folds, tape spring-like veins provide clues for engineering applications---Research Associate Kazuya Saito
2017.05.10 Press Release Quantifying transpiration from plants at the global scale---Details of the global hydrological cycle revealed by stable oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratio of water ---- Associate Professor Kei Yoshimura
2017.04.11 Topics Professor Yasuhiko Arakawa has been elected as a Foreign Member of the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
2017.02.13 Topics Joint Symposium Held by Institute of Industrial Science (IIS) and the Institute of Medical Science (IMS), The University of Tokyo
2016.11.18 Events ICUS Open Lecture: Perspectives of Mathematical Optimization in Social Systems (Time and Date: December 1, 2016 (Thursday) 13:15-17:30)
2016.11.17 Topics Carbon Capture and Reuse Study Group Established toward Effective Carbon Neutrality
2016.10.18 Topics Project Professor Tadatsugu Taniguchi Elected as International Member of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM)