On the morning of May 12, IIS and LIMMS welcomed Prof. Sylvie Retailleau, the French Minister for Higher Education and Research. The Minister was welcomed by a delegation including Professor Teruo Fujii, President of the University of Tokyo, and Professor Toru H. Okabe, Director of IIS. The meeting between the French and the Japanese delegation provided an opportunity to discuss major French and Japanese university strategies, and Prof. Okabe presented the overview of IIS. The meeting was warmly concluded with an exchange of gifts and a few words from the Minister in the guest book.
The subsequent meeting with LIMMS members began with a speech by the Minister on the importance of studying abroad. She then listened attentively to the experiences of each LIMMS member, as well as French researcher and student in other laboratories before attending a presentation of Professor Soo Hyeon Kim's laboratory, one of the host laboratories of LIMMS.
The participants had vivid memories of the Minister's a warm and attentive personality. The LIMMS management would like to thank Prof. Okabe and all the IIS members who organized this visit so perfectly and efficiently.
(*) LIMMS/CNRS-IIS (IRL 2820): International Research Laboratory for Integrated Micro-Mechatronic Systems between the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and IIS (Institute of Industrial Science)
(Sebastian Volz, LIMMS Co-director)
Prof. Retaillau's arrival at IIS
Friendly meeting with Prof. Fujii, President of the University of Tokyo
Harmonious discussion with the Minister and her delegation
Front row from left: Mr. Lionel Boete, Minister's office, Prof. Retaillau, Minister, Prof. Fujii,
Prof. Okabe
Back row from left: Dr. Jean-Baptiste Borde, French Embassy, Prof. Didier Marty-Dessus, French Embassy, Ms. Anne Isabelle Etienvre, Minister's office, Dr. Volz, Director of LIMMS, Prof. Satoshi Ashihara, Deputy director of IIS
The Minister welcomed by LIMMS members
Visit of SH. Kim laboratory